Cello Nogi

Age: 16

    This is shy little Cello. She keeps to herself throughout the school year. That was until her junior year. Cello's parents divorced when she was fourteen and mom acts crazy. But that's just the half of it! Cello then met Sao and Christine. They love to drag the girl everywhere to party and try to hook her up with her crush, Damon. It all drives Cello nuts. Now, all she wants is some rest. Good luck, girl.

Sao Miki

Age: 16

    Sao is Cello's "friend". She is wild dame. All Sao wants to do is party. Every dance club knows her name. Now, Sao has a mission: Drag Cell out of her little "shy box" and turn her into a wild social butterfly. Sao is also a huge flirt.

Christine Kim-Cho

Age: 15

    All Christine wants to do is party. Her mother is Italian and her father is Korean. Christine has a bad relationship with her dad and older brother. She has a distant relationship with her mother. The girl hangs with two black kids. Christine can be bossy and wild but she really has a good heart. She has problems with the pimps, so she's always on the run from them.

Damon Cowe

Age: 16

    This is the fine young American lad that all of the girls want. Damon is charming, nice, and gentlemanly like. No wonder Cello wants him! And it seems Damon wants her too. (Aw, how sweet!) If only he can hound the swarming girls away from him!

Doll Face Contadino

Age: 35

    Doll Face is Christine's mother. She is a strict lady. Doll and Christine don't get along too well. The woman is divorced and runs a winery. She drinks everyday and flirts with her customers.

Adam West:

Age: 18

    Adam is Sao's boyfriend. He is a rebel. All of the girls want him. Adam is a good-hearted guy with a lot of love for Sao and her wild ways.

Isaiah Sinatra:

Age: 16

    Isaiah is Christine's friend. He too is a skirt chaser! The boy is Chris's whipping boy. He basically carries her things, buys her lunch, and does her homework. Isaiah also likes Doll Face too.

Makoto Nogi:

Age: 37

    Makoto is Cello's mother. She is a wired woman! Ever since her divorce, Makoto has been a huge flirt! So much that it drives Cello insane. Makoto and Doll Face befriend each other so well! Makoto likes lingerie, pocky, men, sake, wine, and partying.

Sam Joel:

Age: 16

    Sam is Christine's other friend. He likes girls too. Sam and Isaiah jump at each throats. They try to compete Christine and Doll Face's attention. Sam is the funny man of series.

Matsuo Kim-Cho

Age: 18

    Matsuo is Christine's older brother. He is a charming bum! Christine despites him with a fire in her soul. She can't stand him! Matsuo is one of those guys you want to smack but you strangely love him with an unexplainable desire.

Jin Kim-Cho:

Age: 14

    Jin is Christine's younger brother. He too is on his sis's hate list. Jin is annoying and hyperactive. Yet he is his mom and dad's favorite. Jin idolizes Matsuo a whole lot!

Konn Kim-Cho:

Age: 36

    Konn is Christine, Matsuo, and Jin's father and Doll Face's ex-husband. He is a skirt-chaser and an alky. Christine and Doll Face hate him in different way. Christine hates Konn so much that she doesn't even consider him a father at all. Doll Face hates Konn maturely. The man secretly wants his ex back.

Donger Li:

Age: 13

    Donger is the pest of the series. He is hyper and a skirt chaser. Christine and the other girls except Cello find him annoying.

Nancy Shore

Age: 33

    Nancy is an American widow who has lived in Japan under six months. She may look sweet on the outside. But, she is worse than Makoto and Doll Face combine. Nancy is dealing pills from her house. She leads Makoto and Doll Face on different bar-hopping, cougar parties, and parties all while making ends make. Despite her wild behavior, Nancy tries her best to be a good mother. But sometimes, things just blow up in her pretty little face.