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This web page is for you rich folk out there to help a young struggling artist get through school. I will personally thank each and everyone of you that sends a donation and will post your name on this site to show who really cares.

If possible donating a dollar would be the best but if you don't feel like doing that then spare change is just as good. To me cause I could use anything!

I have made up a paypal account just for this and it is at .


If you don't want to send money you can sign up for paypal at:


Click on this banner!

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.


So if please help a artist out! This way you can say you have actually donated to someone!

If you want to pay a different way just contact me at


Thanks Very Much!


People that have Donated so far:

Jim Harden, Polly Litus, Jack Makkie, Helen Adden