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Welcome to my new site - check back often for improvements and updates. :)

Update 11/19/04

Argh, I finally got my school laptop back from the techs, it was in there for like two weeks since the screen was screwed, but that didn't reformat it, so it's ok. I added three new natural media drawings, as well as a digital art drawing, and a guestbook, so please sign! :D


Update 10/5/04

Added a new planet drawing in the Digital Art section - go check it out. :)


Update 9/29/04

Yaaay, I got all the photography and stuffs filled in, and in time to submit my website for a grade in Webmastering tommorrow. :P


Update 9/28/04

Got almost all the sections filled in, 'cept for the Photography- Friends section, since I dun really have any pictures of my friends yet. But I'll take my digital camera to school tommorow and get some XP


Update 9/26/04

Welcome, ladies and gents, to my first website! ("Ladies and gents"? Pfft, do I think I'm in the '30s or something? Anyway - )

I have most of the template-ish-thing done, but I have next to no actual material anywhere so I'll probably be working on filling up all the sections soon.



(None as of yet - if you wanna affiliate then just e-mail me and I'll add you.)

Link to Us

(This is a free-link site - as in, you don't have to ask permission to link back to me, in a blog, site, or whatever you want. I would appreciate if you told me though, just out of curiosity :)
Images Copyright © 2004 Brittany Urquhart