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The Site Fights Blooming Baskets
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Remember back in the day where people voted for your site cause they liked it? Ever vote for someone without them knowing or expecting a vote in return? Well that is what this group is about. Post you reminders INCLUDING your site url. If people like the sites then vote b/c you like the site NOT for a vote in exchange. So if you want a little extra votes done honestly then join this group.


Rules: 1) You don't have to vote for anyone you don't want to.
2) Post you reminders INCLUDING your site url. If people like the sites then vote b/c you like the site NOT for a vote in exchange.
3) No need to tell people that you are voting or not voting. No replies needed that you voted.
4) No flaming about not getting enough votes, people's post or members on this list for any reason.
If you have a problem with a member email the ower at: or take it off the list.
5) When posting by hitting reply please remove the old message esp if you are in digest.
6) Anyone caught spamming other fighters' supporters for votes or sending unsolistic mail for votes will be banned and removed without warning.

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