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Charleston Crew

These memories are from the Kiawah Island trip (which is located about 30 min. from Charleston). Our trip there was filled with fun times and life lessons. (see below):

Kodak moment...Andy dancing!

This was beautiful.

Ever seen an albino peacock before?!?

This one's still pretty even though it is normal.

I want to ride one of these one day!

This is my house...yeah right!

And here is my other house. Ha!

Top Thirteen Things I Learned at Kiawah:

13. It is fun to make Andy dance.
12. California Dreamin' is an awesome place to eat.
11. Ashley attracts geeks.
10. Seagulls are good at faking injuries.
9. Guys are wimps when it comes to girl talk.
8. Never talk about nightstands.
7. Shrek can be quoted over and over without tiring of it. (and Matt sounds just like the gingerbread man!)
6. Never go backwards onto a bridge.
5. Wear 150spf your first day in the sun.
4. Everything deserves an "Awww..."
3. Alligators can cohabitate (is that a word?!?) with humans.
2. Every girl needs a wobble bench.
and the best for last...
1. Chrissy makes funny comments comparing herself with chicken.

"You're a monster!"

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