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We invite you to attend pacifica for a night full

            Of fun and adventure…


Ř For people 18 and over

Ř Belly dancers in the house to entertain you

Ř An authentically cooked luau

Ř 2 free cocktails for all people

This is the first flyer I ever created for this class which I decided to use as my home page.

My rollover animation reveals my eternal fascination for the Buddha. My sister site contains information on the ever so popular

concept of yin yang. BALANCE~ two diametrically opposed worlds that intertwine their energies and sustain life. I just transferred

to the Art Institute to pursue a degree in animation since I realized engineering was not my cup of tea and I love to doodle; love art, and

am ever so drawn to the medium of film as a means of self expression; hence animation. My portfolio consists of some of my works of art

from my previous classes in observational and life drawing. This is the first website I have ever created, and I hope you dig it!

  View my new site