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~*ÅñGë£ Ðû§†'s §ì†é*~

--> Follow These o___o ..

  ¤ 1st website :P

  ¤ Pix

  ¤ Linx

  ¤ Dollz

  ¤ Cliques

  ¤ Kaos/Puffs

  ¤ Gaia Artwork

Hi! Welcome to my second website. I don't know if I'll keep it up and running though. I'm still looking for a better layout

Welp >.> . I am updating O_o *le-monstrous-gasp* O: ! I know, I barely

touch this site TT.TT , but I decided to update for the sake of putting up

more gaia pics ;P . If ye be interested and want to see more of my

drawings, <-proceed here-> :D

If you have any suggestions, just e-mail me

Latest Update: July 11th, 2006 :3 [It might not be the greatest,

but I'll try to fix it up as I go by.]
