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Whispering Dreams

An Artist's Home

This is yet another spawn of my boredom and desire to work on a website. So what is it? When it's complete, Whispering Dreams will basically be a private art gallery and library, a place for me to showcase my own work, my new home you could say, but that's not all. While it's true, the majority of the content that will be on this site will be related to me in some way or another, I also plan on providing links to friends, favourite sites and other people's galleries. My mind is always thinking about a way of changing, of improving or something, which is part of the reason nothing ever gets done! But hopefully, in time, this project will be completed.

My original idea for this site was purely for artwork, and that's it. It would be here that I would be able to show all the arwork I had, in various media, style and interest. But I'm never satisfied. Eventually, for many reasons, this project was set aside. Now that I've renewed my desire to complete this site, I rethought through my original plan. After thinking about it, I decided to expand Whispering Dreams to encompass other things, such as my stories. I have other ideas developing in the back of my mind to do with this site, but perhaps I should get it up and running first, hmm?

At the moment, I have little to no links working for the site, but I'm working on it...although I should be studying...Anyways, I'll probably get the easier pages designed first (IE stories), then dive into getting the artwork section up and ready to go. ^^ Eventually I'll have my guestbook up, so you can leave your comments and thoughts there. Until then, direct any questions or comments about what’s here (or what’s to come..) to my email at, and I promise to get back to you as quickly as I can!

Welcome to Whispering Dreams!






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