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The Following is simply a List of All things I have for download saved on my site:

(book) How to Win Friend and Influence People by Dale Carnegie - Book of organized lessons by Dale Carnegie on how to relate with people. Very informative and very very useful and can be applied everywhere.

(song) Closer - song by me.

(song) Village - song by me.

(book) How get Get Women by Ross Jeffries - Just for your information, I quit this after the first 2 pages. I decided it was against my morals to continue through the rest of the book, but i guess it still deserves to be on this page.

(song) Song - song by me

(song) Church - song by me

(song) Church2 - song by me

(song) FF Theme - The Final Fantasy theme by me. Originally composed by Nobuo Uematsu for the RPG Final Fantasy. check out some more info at

(song) Home - song by me

(sheet) FF stuff - This will be the preliminary songs that the KYF Band will start out with. Download these, extract them and print the one that you are playing, and be ready for practice.

(song) Song - it's a song. Check out my credits page if you want know the composer. I really can't remember.

(song) Song - it's a song. Check out my credits page if you want know the composer. I really can't remember

(song) Song - It's another song that i made.