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D U N G E O N S .&. d r a g o n s . C H A R A C T E R . a r t

Dungeons & Dragons Character Art

"Get a life? I'm a gamer! I have many lives!"

Ayla Thanh - My first character, created back in '97. She's gone through many different looks as my artistic style has changed over the years. This is her current look, my favorite thus far.

Illora Thanai - "The Red Warrior" - Illora is my current character. She's a gladiator reknowned for her prowess in battle, and her trademark is her near overuse of the color red (red platemail, red wings, and so on....).

Indrevah Crimsonleaf - Indrevah is a bladedancer. This particular character was in development for a number of years before I finally got a portrait to look satisfactory to the image I had of her in my head.

Ivae Maskan - Ivae is a character that I have not had the opportunity to play yet, as she is a high level sorceress, and my group has not yet done a campaign where I could use her. She is a character who is all about her secrets....

Saleph - This is my first (and only) non-Elven character. She was a lot of fun to play, although she got offended on a regular basis when members of her travelling party asked her for rides or to carry their equipment....

Shalis Moonrazor - This is my arcane archer, whose real name is actually Shalis Amarillis, and she is an emissary of Queen Amlaruil of Evermeet. It was rather interesting when she met an old elf claiming to be the Queen.... Little did we realize, she was the queen when the ancient city of Myth Drannor was destroyed.... Oops.

Surinya Mionholi - My massively extroverted bard. She had a bad habit of teasing any creature foolish enough to get in her way.


Computer Art / Dungeons & Dragons Character Art / Role Play Art / School Art / Miscellaneous Art
Stories \ Poetry