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Okay, so my cat Sinbad (who has been dead for over a year) and I were walking down Center Rd. in Traverse City. I let him walk some of the way but I feared he would wander off into someplace I couldn't get to so I carried him for most of the way. We got to my old friend Melissa's house (a.k.a. "Satan")but it was all like, wrecked and abandoned and stuff and there was no roof. Inside I let Sinbad wander around by himself. There was a really old fashioned rusty broken car in the house. There was a bunch of other junk too.

I looked into the kitchen area and I saw some ghostly figures eating dinner. One of them was a soldier dressed in army garb feeding his family dinner...which was a pile of rather nasty looking human flesh. Sinbad saw this too. He knew it was weird.

When we were walking to Satan's house it seemed like we were coming from my old neighborhood, Franklin Woods, but while I was in the house I realized I don't live there anymore. I picked up Sinbad and started walking towards Franklin Woods to see what it was like, but too bad for me, I woke up.

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