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My mother and I were in a pick up truck for some reason and we were about to drive out of a store parking lot, but some guy jumped into the bed of the truck and stole our keys. I don't know why they were there. He drove away with them and somehow we drove after him. We chased him for a long time on a crowded highway and then followed him off of it. He shouted out the window to us "You'll never catch me because I don't have to go to the bathroom very often."

We caught up with him after a while in a Burger King drivethrough and I jumped out of the truck and ran up to his window, bitching him out and threatening him. He drove away before I could assault him in any way.

After chasing him again for a long time, we somehow ended up in the same vehicle with him, I think it was a van. I jumped over a seat and held him down by his shoulders, screaming that he should think twice before messing with a manic depressive chick that hasn't taken her medication. I thought about punching him, but decided my wrists were too weak, so I leaned over and started biting chunks out of his face and spitting them back out at him.

A long time passed and I found myself at a large party outside at nighttime. I spotted the guy who stole my keys off in the distance talking to some of my friends. He was brainwashing them and taking their money. They wouldn't listen to me when I tried to convince them that he was bad, and I got really pissed off. So I chased him into a tunnel and ripped his face off with one hand. Not convinced that that was enough, I took out a match and set him on fire. For some reason all of him burned to ashes instantly except for one arm which remained intact.

At the end of the dream I was telling Holly about it. "Yeah, this guy really pissed me off, so I killed him."
The end.

fuck the police