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Palina27: i had a dream about (a person) again.
ayahuascadreams: what kind of dream?
Palina27: uh, well, the fucked up kind. he turned into a chihuahua and i took him with me to see santa claus/
ayahuascadreams: that is rather fucked up.
Palina27: at the end i was trying to get away from a lot of high school students by riding a large horse down the center of the freeway in the middle of the night and an irritating old woman shot me in the head.
ayahuascadreams: high school students you knew?
Palina27: at roscommon high school. they were having some kind of christmas parade and they were going to turn (a person) into something else.
ayahuascadreams: it's kind of scary how easy this is to picture.
Palina27: santa claus was terrifying. i think he was into black magic.
ayahuascadreams: well, of course. how else could he get down the chimney? and make it to all the houses in the world in one night?
Palina27: i also remember something about getting lost in a rich girl's house. none of my dreams can be linear and make sense. damn it.
ayahuascadreams: it'd be very strange if your conscious thought process was like it is and your dreams were perfectly linear and logical.
Palina27: no, instead my concious thought process and my dreams are almost exactly the same.
ayahuascadreams: i'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to be or not.
Palina27: i also had a dream about a "hoogily beast" which was completely different from the hoogily beast you and erin know and love.
ayahuascadreams: i do not love the hoogily beastses. what was yours like?
Palina27: it was a midget covered in orange paper that stabbed a bunch of mean italians in the eyes.
ayahuascadreams: this, i have a harder time picturing.
Palina27: it was like paper mache stuff...with the on the outside of a pinata
ayahuascadreams: a midget pinata?
Palina27: yes. it was a hoogily beast.
ayahuascadreams: erin loves you.
Palina27: and i love erin.
ayahuascadreams: ERIN SMELLS LIKE CANDY!\
Palina27: an then, after the hoogily beast stabbed all the italians i went outside in the snow and looked into the ice covered eyes of magan maxwell's corpse.
ayahuascadreams: why were the italians mean?
Palina27: they worked for my mother in an italian restaurant that had two very dark kitchens and lots of pizza. and they were accusing me of flirting with one of the cooks, who was italian *and* asian, and very cute, but very mean.
ayahuascadreams: oh, god. your mother would make a horrible restaurant exec. you need good people skills, extreme patience, and the ability to stay sane under extreme stress.
ayahuascadreams: holly and i know a really insane guy who thinks the italian mob has spread to alma.
Palina27: in the dream, for a short time, i could fly.
ayahuascadreams: lucky.
Palina27: and i picked icy bouquets of roses out of the snow and sold them.
ayahuascadreams: that sounds cool. that part, anyway.
ayahuascadreams: i don't always give the best medical advice.
- falkaine: CHARLIE HORSE
- falkaine: FUCK
- ayahuascadreams: owie!
- ayahuascadreams: run away! run away!
Palina27: and there were more corpses in the snow, and they were wearing shoes.
ayahuascadreams: just shoes?
Palina27: yes. black shoes.
ayahuascadreams: no socks? Palina27: just shoes.
Palina27: with high heels.
ayahuascadreams: you know, of course, that usually shoes are the only clothing omitted when dressing corpses.
Palina27: indeed.
Palina27: i need to stop saying indeed.
ayahuascadreams: indeed you do.
Palina27: mrrrr.
ayahuascadreams: veruca salt is my friend.
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