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Okay, so the dream starts out with Chris, Melissa and me walking through a tunnel sewer thing with green flashlights. This represents the tunnels at the State Hospital that Chris wants to take me through, but I have never seen them, so the closest thing to that my brain came up with was a sewer. Yay.
It was kind of like a maze, there were a lot of passageways with thin ledges we walked on to stay out of the actual sewage. We saw a lot of distant people with flashlights. There were black crawly bugs of all kinds crawling all over the walls. We climbed onto a metal scaffold and Melissa punched a huge beetle on the wall. The beetle was completely unharmed. (Creepy.) We climbed off the scaffold and continued exploring.
We came to a large tunnel with a huge group of undead gangsters pointing guns at us. We were thoroughly shot at, but somehow we actually evaded the ghastly criminals and managed to somehow off the ringleader. I guess some of them had been alive, now that I think about it...anyway, a large dead black man with a large black gun walked up and congratulated us for killing people. He went on to insist that we fold towels for him or he would kill us. So we folded towels and tried to escape at the same time. He followed us, and shouted things and was generally threatening until we came upon a dead chick standing in the sewage. I shined my green flashlight on her head and it looked creepy, so the black guy and the chick started singing. Melissa Chris and I put down the towels and climbed out of the place. Outside, there were a bunch of stoners lying on the ground. I don't really remember what happened after that...

no it can't be love
for there is no true love