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Palina27: i dreamed i was in love with an anthropomorphic seal in a scarab costume.
ayahuascadreams: what was the seal's gender?
Palina27: it was female.
ayahuascadreams: hmm.
Palina27: and i was a mermaid.
ayahuascadreams: i dreamed we were at glen's trying to buy bottles of beer that was as big as we were and we couldn't lift them, so we went to the bakery and ate cake instead.
Palina27: that's very you.
ayahuascadreams: yep. and for some reason we shoplifted eyeliner, then ran around the parking lot while a big evil car chased us.
Palina27: who is we?
ayahuascadreams: me, some guy with a bad haircut, and you were there but you were someone else. a fat chick with blonde hair.
ayahuascadreams: and you were you and also holly at the same time.
Palina27: hmmm. very strange.
ayahuascadreams: yep.
Palina27: in my dream i worked at the zoo (i had legs when i wasn't in water) and it was my job to come to the seal with a menu and ask her what she wanted to eat.
Palina27: one of the things she ate was a woman's uterus.
ayahuascadreams: scarab you mean the actual beetle scarab or david mack's scarab?
Palina27: david mack, of course.
ayahuascadreams: i figured. cause if it were a beetle, you would have been scared.
Palina27: yes, i would have.
Palina27: but it wasn't necessarily that she was in the costume, but she had the spikes attatched to her body
ayahuascadreams: this is hard to picture, her being a seal and all.
Palina27: yeah, i know. but she had spikes and some kind of hand-things and a somewhat human looking face.
ayahuascadreams: and you two fell in love?
Palina27: yeah, something like that. we were in england and the zoo was going to send the seal to america and there were a bunch of people surrounding the pool that held the seal that were taking a very complicated vote on whether to ship the seal off or not.
ayahuascadreams: why were they going to send it to america?
Palina27: i don't remember exactly what happened...i think there was another girl that wanted to feed the seal instead of me, and she was trying to get rid of me.
ayahuascadreams: weird.
Palina27: so, i went to the edge of the pool to see the seal and it came to me instead of the bitchy girl, so the bitchy girl tried to have me thrown out.
Palina27: so i jumped into the pool and turned into a mermaid and kissed the seal and told her i'd go with her to america.
ayahuascadreams: and did you?
Palina27: well, suddenly it became a movie...a cartoon movie..."the little mermaid 2"...and i was watching it from the basement of an abandoned factory with a bunch of dirty hoodlums in junk food costumes.
ayahuascadreams: this dream is so you.
Palina27: one of the hoodlums set off one of the machines...a cupcake making machine i think...and we all had to escape before it ate us alive.
ayahuascadreams: why would a cupcake machine eat you alive? wouldn't it make cupcakes instead?
Palina27: somehow making cupcakes would include eating us alive. i don't know.
Palina27: so we ran into the mall to escape and i saw a combination of your mom and my old friend theresa's mom. i said hi and she sighed and shook her head.
