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I was getting ready for school. (I keep having dreams about school, even though I've dropped out.) Whatever house I was in was apparantly the one I lived in and it had a really big shower with a cabinet in it. I opened the cabinet before I took my shower and inside was some kind of metal helmet/mask thing. I closed it and took my shower...and when I was finished the cabinet opened by itself and I saw the mask again, this time though it contained a severed head. I recognized it as the head of Satan. There was a lot of blood dripping out of the cabinet and the severed head was alive and very threatening. I got blood on me and thought that was very very bad, like the blood had some power or something. I screamed, grabbed a towel and ran out of the shower trying to wipe the blood away. My brother Tim ran into the shower...apparantly he knew something about how to control Satan. I don't remember how he did it but somehow he banished Satan from the house and did a complicated spell to keep him from coming back.

Scene change...

I was at school, at the end of the hallway with my friends. It was lunchtime and we were relaxing and talking. I was standing facing the rest of the school with my back to the doors to go outside, when out of nowhere Satan's severed head flew at me and bit my hand. He attached himself to it, biting a hole in my skin above the knuckle of my middle finger on my right hand. I screamed and freaked out and flung Satan's head off my hand, sending him flying into the concrete wall with a crack and a splatter of blood.

Scene change...

There was a School assembly in the middle of the school, between the cafeteria and the main doors. My gym teacher from elementary school was there explaining to everyone how important it was for your stomach to be shaped like a square. I ran outside and started doing ballet on the sidewalk. I was the only person outside. My right hand was still wounded and had dried blood on it. I went back inside through another entrance and found a group of extremely normal girls that I barely knew huddled together inside. One of the girls suddenly screamed and I saw that she was being attacked by Satan's severed head. Somehow I helped her and got rid of him. She was very greatful.

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