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To: (holly's email address), (richie's email address)
Subject: my dream

hey, i was just gonna send this to holly cuz i started to tell her about it today, but then i was like, duh, send it to richie too you dumbass. i had a dream about you richie.
ok, i don't remember all of it but i'll tell you the part i do remember. we were all back in high school and i was in class, then the bell rang, and we had that five minute break thing between classes and then i had to go back to the same class. as soon as the bell rang i got a message from richie (i don't remember how, i think it was a note on a piece of paper, but i don't know how it got to me.) the message said that richie was in trouble and needed my help. i also got some sort of psychic connection thing after i read the note...i saw an image of richie (all gothed up and depressed) and he seemed desperate. he said something to me, i don't remember what it was. he somehow got in a LOT of trouble with the school...and he needed to get away from them before they caught him. i don't know what he did, but it must have been really really severe...i didn't question him, knowing it was richie, i knew it wasn't something i would disagree with or try to keep from happening, and i needed to get him safe. i went to the counseling office (i don't know why i knew to go there) and there was another message for me on the desk, and there was no one in the office. it was a piece of paper with a phone number written on it, i don't know why i couldn't take it with me, i think that would mean i'd get caught trying to help him. so i frantically grabbed a pen and wrote the number on my hand before anyone came. the secretary chick walked in just as i was finishing and i ran out. i went into a classroom as the bell rang, not the classroom i was supposed to be in. i remember feeling like everything i'd accomplished in school up until then was worthless because after i helped richie i'd be in trouble too and i couldn't go back. no one knew i was up to anything. i pretended to be taking part in the class, and some obnoxious guy in baggy pants representing all obnoxious guys in baggy pants started bugging me for a pen or something, and was doing little, stupid annoying things, getting yelled at by the teacher, but he had no idea that i was about to get in far worse trouble than he had ever gotten into. i didn't really know what i was waiting for or why i was in that particular room, but i knew that's where i had to be. i waited. i put on eyeliner. i kept looking at the window and i saw a couple glimpses of richie outside, and i knew that now was the time we had to get away. i thought about my classmates obeying the rules in the class i was supposed to be in, wondering where i was. i looked around the room at the kids who thought they were bad asses. before i got a chance to run outside, rae woke me up. we were about to get away, too! damn it.

wasn't that weird?? it was really vivid, dude. i'm pretty sure there was more dream before the whole richie getting in trouble thing, but the part with richie was really really vivid and mattered a lot more to me, so i remember it.

my feet fell asleep.
cato (my web page) (not my web page)

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