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This dream disturbed me a lot!!! Wah!
I was being followed by a strange dark haired guy. I'm not sure how long this went on, I think it was supposed to be days. Anyway he was stalking me. Well at the beginning of the dream he followed me home at nighttime and he had somehow gotten the key to my house. I had the door locked and i was actually holding it closed but he unlocked it and pushed it open, overpowering me. He dragged me into a bedroom, dunno if it was mine or not. He either tied me up or held me down, and raped me. Then he untied me and took me to a different house, hitting me when I tried to get away. When we got in house, he turned into Mike. Mike raped me. I forget what happened then, I think I was raped again by someone else. It's not that it wasn't traumatic, it's because I've been having trouble remembering my dreams. It was traumatic.
~Scene Change~
There was something about a serial killer...well she wasn't a serial killer at first, she was just a regular lady at an office job. But then all her coworkers pissed her off and she put them through a mulcher. Then she turned into an old guy that looked kind of like the colonel dude from KFC. There was a poem about him, I can't remember how it went. Something about him being dead, and the possibility of him coming back to life. Anyway, I was on a school bus, writing something on my face. There was a bitchy prepy girl on the bus who said the pen I was using was hers and I said no it's mine and we fought about it and I flipped her off and she was mad. We got to the school that the school bus was taking us to and I went to a class that Holly was in and for some reason we danced to a retarded rap video even though I was wearing a short skirt and no underwear, but no one knew that except Holly and I thought that was cool. And then I wrote a run-on sentence that made a fukkin lot of sense, yeah.
~Scene Change~
There was a girl and a dude and another dude in a pool outside of the school. The one dude that was the girl's boyfriend got on top of her and took off her sunglasses. He told the other guy to leave them alone because this was the last time he got to see her before something something something. I don't remember. She was flattered. Then he stared acting all crazy and carried her over the fence into a junkyard/place of aftermath. He started saying something about that old serial killer guy, and when they started tripping over bones and corpses she triend running back, but he wouldn't let her. Then she turned into me. I ran away, but came back for some reason. All the corpses were standing around the boyfriend guy, including the old serial killer. The crazy boyfriend guy said something and they all got nice pretty flesh on their bones and became healthy, living people.
The End.

all the pretty dreamies