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There was this blonde, preppy whore. She was a whore. She had a pimp who rented her out to people for sex, she was a whore. Anyway this old guy had her one night and did fucked up sadistic stuff to her and she didn't like it. The next morning I found her outside in the back seat of a car. She was covered in ice but alive. The old guy said it was her idea to do all that stuff but then she found out she didn't like it. I told her she had to come inside and get warmed up or she would die, but she was very rude to me and said she wanted to get the hell out of there. So I insisted that I go with her and as the car we were in took us somewhere else I tried to warm her up but she was a total bitch and told me not to touch her. What a bitch. But anyway when we got to our destination I got out of the car and was now stranded out on the street. There was a group of hoodlums standing outside a store and I was gonna ask one of them fore a ride but then I turned into the guy that was driving the car and I realised I had just walked away from my car with the keys in it. So I went back and there was a group of people standing around it. One of the guys in the group was telling them it was his car but I got in and drove away. That's not the end but that's all I can remember. Really bad recall lately.

back back back in the dark of your mind are you learning an angry language?