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Palina27: moooooootherfucker
ayahuascadreams: mooooootherfucker
Palina27: motherfucker
ayahuascadreams: motherfucker
Palina27: motheeeeeeeeerfuuuuuuckeeeeeeeer
ayahuascadreams: i'm not sure whether we should be proud of ourselves or concerned.
Palina27: about what? the motherfucker song?
ayahuascadreams: about us.
ayahuascadreams: oh, well.
ayahuascadreams: i saw a fox.
Palina27: i saw dying plastic children striving to stay alive by stealing from oleson's.
ayahuascadreams: was this a dream, or are you being metaphoric and obtuse?
Palina27: it was a dream.
ayahuascadreams: what were they stealing?
Palina27: plastic clothing. the rules were that you had to be a specific color to stay alive, so they were stealing plastic clothing of the correct color and pissing body parts
ayahuascadreams: ouch. what color?
Palina27: the only colors i remember are red and yellow.
ayahuascadreams: ew and ew.
Palina27: and their feet didn't come apart.
ayahuascadreams: i'm going to be purple, okay?
Palina27: i think you'll die if you're purple.
ayahuascadreams: but if i'm red or yellow, i don't want to live.
Palina27: oh well, if you did live you'd be in a disease ridden, post-apocolyptic plastic world anyway.
ayahuascadreams: but apparently one where oleson's survived.
Palina27: the inside of oleson's was dark except for an orange glow in the middle of the building where the savage employees were hiding from death.
ayahuascadreams: savage grocery employees. i rather like that.
ayahuascadreams: they could brandish pricing guns.
