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I was spending the weekend at my dad's house. We went to Burger King to get some breakfast. The Burger King we went to had some kind of magic spell on it to make the employees look like whatever customer they were serving, therefore apparantly making the customer like them more. I hated it. There was a peice of rainbow colored yarn attached to the fryer, and if you pulled on it the fryer fried differently. I got seven pieces of french toast and a couple orange juices or something. Anyway I had a lot of food. For some reason I was upset when I got back to my dad's house and I ate in my room.

Somehow this scene evolved into some kind of Megan&Holly entity and me climbing along the inside walls of many connected houses. There was purple yarn attached to the walls by little kids who frequently climbed the walls as well. I don't know why, but we really didn't want to touch the floor. We were running away from someone, it was kind of like a video game. We got outside and we were walking along the side of a road, in the snow. We climbed cliffs and explored and hid and stuff and it was fun. During the inside part it was most like Megan and during the outside part it was most like Holly.

Back at my dad's house we were sitting around in the living room and I was drinking a really big glass of water. My dad started insulting his girlfriend Debbie (whose house it actually is) and calling her a "dumb woman", implying that all women are dumb. Debbie just agreed with him. I got pissed off and screamed at him just for saying something like that. Okay so then it was time for me to go home. My dad was going to drive me. His truck was really really big and broken. Then my mom came to get me instead. She lost her car. So we were going to WALK home, from Traverse City to Roscommon (this is over an hour's drive) and I had all my stuff I had taken in a really huge pillow case. Stuff kept falling out of it. In the bottom of my pillow case was a box of fudge that my dad had bought me. After buying it for me he ate a lot of it and was going to finish it off before I left but I didn't let him. After I got it away from him it turned into Fimo clay.

My mom and I looked like homeless people. We were walking through a very complicated building, like a mall, on the way home. We got lost quickly. There was a homeless person walking with us, but we soon got separated. My mom and I stopped off at a clothing store on our way (we hadn't gotten far at all) and we talked to a very nice saleslady. Somehow she knew that my dad had stolen my mom's car. So she graciously lent us her car to go back to my dad's house and get my mom's. My dad had a huge garage and my mom's car was in it. We walked into the garage through a door in the side. Apparantly he stole a bunch of cats and dogs from us as well...we put them in the car and drove through the garage door, yes, the garage door was closed, and we drove through it. We came back later to see if he had noticed - he hadn't. He had a bunch of friends over and we alerted them all to our stealing back of our stuff and when we talked about where we lived, we said NY instead of Roscommon, MI. Um...that's pretty much all I can remember.

back to my page that is soo dreeeaamy...(i know i'm a dork)