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ayahuascadreams: so what's the half of this dream that you remember?
Palina27: um...hold on
ayahuascadreams: k
Palina27: it's a pretty long half, just to warn you.
ayahuascadreams: no problem.
Palina27: so i was swimming in the bay with some people (not sure who they were) and we were picking underwater oranges and putting them in these briefcase things with collage stuff all over them.
ayahuascadreams: mmmoranges.
Palina27: and these two people that were with us, for some reason could not pick the oranges. as soon as we all realized that, it got dark and the oranges disappeared (except for the ones we had already picked)
ayahuascadreams: were the people male or female?
Palina27: they were male
ayahuascadreams: hmm. go on.
Palina27: oh wait...dude....i think one of the kids that couldn't pick the oranges was the fat kid in lord of the flies
ayahuascadreams: piggy?
Palina27: yeah!
ayahuascadreams: huh.
Palina27: i watched lord of the flies last night.
ayahuascadreams: i have that book.
Palina27: so, um...we were in a building all of a sudden, and a semi truck backed in, i guess it was a stockroom, huh....weird...
Palina27: and these guys in the truck came out in space suits and tried to take our oranges away. they offered a little boy that was with us some pot for some oranges and he accepted
ayahuascadreams: when did the little boy join us?
Palina27: somehow i ended up hiding the pot from the kid's dad for him in my mouth
Palina27: he was part of the group that was swimming and picking oranges
ayahuascadreams: oh.
Palina27: so, the kid took a long time trying to find somewhere to hide the pot, and suddenly he decided he didn't want it.
Palina27: when i spit it out there wasn't much left.
Palina27: so, hmm. okay. i guess i went downstairs into a very large basement. marty was down there with a wooden pole bashing it into the ceiling and singing something very loud and obnoxious to annoy the little boy.
ayahuascadreams: you're right. this is fucked up.
Palina27: i sat down next to marty for a short time, but found him irrational and annoying so i wandered around the very large basement.
Palina27: i remember coming across a large amount of glasses and plates. i think i stashed them in the ceiling.
Palina27: i guess then i just decided everything sucked, so i went into a secluded part of the basement to sit with my cat.
ayahuascadreams: *waves to kasumi*
Palina27: it got very cold, there was frost on everything and huge icicles, but it wasn't as cold where i was.
Palina27: a viking with a wand of some sort came in, he was the one making it cold everywhere, he was supposed to do the same where i was but he didn't want to, so he tried to avoid it
Palina27: he came in several times, i don't know who was making him do this, he was being controlled by someone...but he didn't want to make it colder there because he saw me shivering.
ayahuascadreams: and this is only *half* the dream.
Palina27: yes, but i'm not finished yet.
ayahuascadreams: okay.
Palina27: the viking and i looked at the wall and we saw a white cat and dog nailed to the wall by their front paws.
Palina27: we took them down
Palina27: then a random pop star came down from the ceiling wrapped in what looked like black toilet paper and hovered in the middle of the room, singing about being naked.
Palina27: the black toilet paper looking stuff was slowly eaten away, until she was in fact, naked.
ayahuascadreams: just some random pop star? you don't know who?
Palina27: i don't know who.
Palina27: just someone to represent all pop stars, i guess.
ayahuascadreams: huh.
Palina27: so then, the force that was making the viking do things forced me to have sex with the viking on a very small table, even though neither of us wanted to
Palina27: i can't remember anything after that.
ayahuascadreams: that's............................................................really fucking weird.
Palina27: yeah, i know.
ayahuascadreams: probably prophetic.

bar have pie juice!