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Okay. Um, god, I don't know. Okay. In the beginning, there was me and a knife, and I was pissed, so I slashed myself open diagonally across the front of my torso. I then bandaged myself, put on a shirt and went to work at Target.
Target quickly morphed into an old renaissance pub and I was a waitress in a white dress. The fat woman that owned the place was very overprotective of me and wouldn't let me serve anyone because they were all Hell's Angels. So she handed me an orange electric guitar that said Kid Rock across the front and told me to wait for the person that was supposed to come pick it up. I stood outside where the fat woman couldn't see me and talked to the Hell's Angels as they came in until a frighteningly normal guy came courting. blah. The fat woman told me to go dancing with him because he wanted to marry me.
As he and I were walking through a hallway in the pub we passed a beautiful gothic woman in a black corset. We said in unison, "Oh my god, that's a cute corset."
We entered a ballroom straight out of a fairy tale and I was forced to be Cinderella until I slipped away and snuck upstairs to watch seven witches sleep in their bunk beds. Two of them are people I know in real life; Alice and Emma. I eventually woke them up and we went outside.
By now the building had turned into a very large, modern house with white walls. We walked out onto an extremely large balcony, all dressed in white. A group of dirty gang members crawled up a metal ladder attatched to the side of the building and tried to look menacing. A couple of them went after Alice and she grabbed a broom (how cliche) and flew around them in circles making fun of them.
I think somehow we all ended up in a swamp or something. Somewhere in the dream I looked down at the wound on my stomach and it had healed, and it looked absolutely disgusting.
"The end" is not a complete sentence.

go back while you still can