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Okay. So in this dream I had my friend Mike killed himself. I didn't see him do it or anything, but everybody knew. Holly and I had an apartment off the side of Mike's house, one apartment, attached to a house. We hung around at his house even though he was dead and gone and his family was grieving. They were used to us being there.

Anyway one night we were sitting around in the dark in his house in the middle of the night. Everyone else was asleep. Holly decided to go to bed, she crawled through the crevice into our apartment. I decided to sleep in Mike's bed. I went in his room and found his knife on the floor. I put it away where he had kept it.

The next day was my mother's first day working in a jewelry store at the mall. I went to support her or whatever, and I played loud, hard music that attracted a lot of people. There were also coats sold in the store. It was a jewelry and winter clothing store, or something. Mike walked in. I thought he had been dead, but it didn't surprise me to see that he had decieved us all and was still alive. Either this or he had come back from the dead, which wouldn't surprise me either. He's like that. I greeted him and told him about my mother working there. When I was done he hid behind some coat racks so I wouldn't bother him anymore. I didn't.

Holly walked in. She and I talked. I then break danced for the crowd of people while Holly bought some "cold, water, and nicotine proof" gloves. She and I gathered some of the people we knew and decided to go on a trip with some of the winter merchandise to see how well it worked.

We were out in a van about to go when we discovered that my feet were much too large for any of the boots we had brought. Holly went back into the mall to get some boots for me, and we waited.

When we tired of waiting for Holly we went back into the mall to retrieve her. We found her a few stores down from my mother's. She wore only a fishnet bodysuit. She was adored by many. She seemed terribly exhausted and grateful that we came to fetch her; all of her admirers had worn her out. So anyway we went outside, and clothing magically appeared on Holly.

There was a huge gathering outside the mall, I don't know what for. There was a girl selling small discs with letters of the alphabet written on them and saying they were drugs. She sold some to a large, cocky looking guy, who soon discovered that they weren't drugs at all. I had made friends with the girl and I was standing next to her, trying to comfort her, when the guy came charging at us.

I awoke when ERIN DENLEY BODYSLAMMED ME!!!!!!!!!! Grr...

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