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Note: I had this dream after about 40 hours of being awake, having taken a total of 40 mgs of Dexedrine. I don't know if that changes anything...

I was at school and I got really pissed off and depressed (I don't know why)and I cut off my middle finger on my right hand and it healed almost instantly...away from my hand...and it was still alive. Whenever I reattached it to my hand I could move it around, and it was held there by my ring. No one could tell anything was wrong with it unless I took it off. Right after I cut it off I went to Holly for comfort, and she was concerned and tried to comfort me but the bell rang and I had to go. Then I guess I went to drama...we were doing a play and I was supposed to be Eminem. I took my finger off and held it up instead of actually flipping off the audience, because then I wouldn't get in trouble. When I went to sit down in the audience after my part was over, I sat next to Madonna and she talked to me briefly. Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, and put a black cape on me. We got into her car and we drove to her mansion. She showed me inside and took me to a theater type of room in her mansion. There were ballet dancers on the stage, rehearsing, and she told me I was going to be in her music video. The end.

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