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Okay, I was staying at this church with my friend, whose dad was the priest. We had some other friends over, I think the only people in this dream who actually exist in real life is me, Magan and Louis. Anyway we were there for like, a week or something. At night we all went out onto the roof and played with candles and stuffed animals and kites and stuff. We had a marvelous time.

Well one day we went to this big potluck dinner, for Thanksgiving or something (I don't know why Thanksgiving, today is Valentine's Day). Anyway the priest decided to tell everyone (there was a huge amount of people) that I had been molesting his daughter, which wasn't true. I defended myself, but of course everyone believed him, he was the priest. He was the voice of morality in the community. I was infuriated.

I left on my motorcycle (I don't really have a motorcycle) and drove down the road really really really fast. Before I left, I asked the priest why he was making all this stuff up and he said "I don't know, I just felt like it". I was speeding down the road feeling trapped and helpless (I feel this way often) and after realizing I passed the church, I just kept on going, I needed to think. On my way down a small dirt road my glasses fell off my face and I crashed and burned. Well not really. I fell over at a high speed.

I contemplated just staying there lying in the dirt for the rest of the night but I decided I would probably get cold. And I wanted to see Magan and Louis, who were the only people that knew the priest was lying. I got up, found my glasses, and rode to a gas station where I asked for directions, for I had already gotten myself lost. Once I knew what I was doing I left to go back to the church. I woke up.

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