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Palina27: dude, i had the coolest dream last night
makamukumiya: really?
makamukumiya: tell tell

Palina27: i went to a marilyn manson concert and he took me backstage to have sex with him
makamukumiya: did he make a raw meat sculture on you first?
Palina27: and then a couple days later i was in roscommon at a walmart that doesn't exist and he found me and chained me up in the back of a pickup truck
makamukumiya: oh dear
Palina27: then took me back to his house to be his sex slave
Palina27: i was in a very good mood when i woke up
Palina27: and i still am
makamukumiya: hehe
Palina27: hee hee, i'm still thinking about my dream
makamukumiya: yeah but mansons a jackass, oh I finally heard his Sweet dreams
makamukumiya: song

Palina27: what'd you think?
Palina27: aw, he wasn't a jackass in my dream
makamukumiya: I liked it at least what I heard of it
makamukumiya: they never are dear caitlin they never are

Palina27: he was quite nice for someone who was chaining me up and keeping me as a slave
makamukumiya: haha
makamukumiya: very nice contradiciton there
makamukumiya: you would just have to worry about getting pregnant though
makamukumiya: hehe

Palina27: but well, as for me, the chaining up only made things better
Palina27: cuz i'm a weirdo
makamukumiya: yeah but it was the slave thing and chains? wouldn't that kinda hurt a little after a while?
Palina27: nah, it was ok
makamukumiya: realistically though wouldn't chains be a little harsh?
Palina27: i was flattered that he searched specifically for me and went all the way to roscommon to kidnap me
makamukumiya: hehehehehehe
Palina27: no, the chains were attached to those metal wrist and leg cuffs
makamukumiya: oh oh oh ok
makamukumiya: I was thinking chain chain just chain
makamukumiya: for some reason

Palina27: it was weird cuz like...i wasn't struggling or trying to get away and he knew that but he chained me up anyway cuz he wanted to
makamukumiya: heh
makamukumiya: heeh
makamukumiya: tsk tsk caitlin

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