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My mom and I were in a place that was unfamiliar to us. I guess we were travelling. While she was busy doing something I went to some place to eat where some people that lived there were. I apparantly had a daughter, I was feeding her and talking to some people. My mom came in and presented me with a crab pie (?) and I ate some. Some other people had some too. Then there was some kind of war invasion and we all fled to the library...apparantly it was safer because there was a curtain in front of the door that looked like bricks. There I met up with my son, who was older than my daughter. There was something about musical gourds.

Scene Change...

My mom and I were in a hotel room. My mom decided she wanted to go fishing, which was weird, cuz she's a vegetarian. When I reminded her about that she said "Well, maybe we can sell them or something." There was an opening in the room that led to a stream with lots of fish in it. We walked into the river and a bunch of fish jumped onto our fishing poles instantly. We retreated back into our hotel room and the fish started biting my mom. She started freaking out and saying she didn't know anything about fishing. We got a different room with no fish in it.

For the rest of the dream I am no longer dependent on my mother.

The next day I went shopping. I had money. I was looking at body piercing stuff. I met this chick that was looking at that stuff too and we started talking. She was telling me about a swimsuit she was going to buy and showed it to me. It was cute. I forget what I bought, but I bought something. I met up with my mom and she was trying to email her brother. She had a gigantic white purse she was trying to protect. I talked to her for a minute and left. I got a different hotel room, somehow deviously. My two kids and I stayed there.

I'm pretty sure the times my kids aren't in this dream they're with their dad...because I was unable to watch them...

Anyway I went exploring in the hotel and found a heated swimming pool...yay! I saw the girl I met in the store and she was staying in my same hotel. She and I decided to go buy me a swimsuit so we could go swimming. When we came back there were other people there. Angelina Jolie was one of them. Angelina Jolie and the girl I had befriended worked for the same company as me...the other people worked for an opposing company...

There was like, an underwater fight. We won. Angelina Jolie came to stay with me and my kids in our hotel room. We were like a family. The End.

got back to dat page wit dreams on it