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I decided I wanted to kill everyone on the coast of the continental United States. For some reason I was in power so I got my wish. I had high brick walls built along the coasts so no one could ever get to the ocean again. All the people who lived within a mile of the coast were thrown into large cages. The cages were lowered into the ocean. It took a long time for the people to drown, and some of the skinnier ones were able to crawl between the bars and swim up to the surface. There was a fairly large group of anchored boats that I didn't know about. The survivors teamed together and started sailing, determined to rise against me and defeat me with the power of good, or something. I somehow learned of this, even though the ships were in the ocean, and there were now huge walls preventing anyone from even being able to see the ocean. So I went into my evil lair to plot against them some more. I was wearing a huge black leather cloak.

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