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I was in the kitchen of my old house in a rich suburb with my friend Megan. A guy who looked like Jesus came in and tried to kill me with a small kitchen knife, which I took from him, then he knocked it out of my hand. I ran into a different room and got my trusty ax. (I owned it in the dream, in reality it's my dad's and I absolutly LOVE it.) I began chopping at my attacker, and every chop I made was very deep and spilt a lot of blood. Every time I made a chop he staggered, and started to come at me again until I made another chop.

Finally he died (with seven chops in his head) and I left the room to get a phone. When I came back he was gone. There was blood everywhere. My dad came to the door to pick me up and I told him what happened, and that we had to warn our neighbor, Sara. He didn't believe me. I pulled him towards Sara's house, and I saw the guy I had just killed walking down her driveway, from her front door. He had a friend this time, with a black beard.

I figured Sara was dead, and pulled my dad back into my house. I explained that someone was going to come and try to kill me now, and asked him to be careful. He didn't believe me. I ran into my room and grabbed my bloody ax. I waited in my doorway. I woke up.

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