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I killed myself. Then I came back to life in a new body and I didn't remember killing myself. My mom told me I had killed myself and completely mutilated my body in doing so. I had slit my wrists, and then went on to slash open my thighs and chest, and cut up my face. So by the time I actually died, I was a complete bloody mess. I remember really wanting to see how i had done it, and wanting to see my dead body, wondering what I had carved into my face. But there weren't any pictures or anything, there was an article in the newspaper about it, and a picture of me from school with my friend Justin. I think the article explained how I had killed myself. I was glad that I had come back, because I missed my family and friends. All of my family and friends weren't happy to see me, they actually seemed mad that I dared to show my face again after I had killed myself. They basically said they had mourned my death and gotten over me and now I should just go back to hell and leave them alone. At the end of the dream I crawled into bed with Holly and she wasn't terribly surprised to see me, even though she knew I had killed myself, it was almost as if she expected me to come back from the dead. She understood that no one accepted me and she took me in her arms.

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