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I somehow got a big bad tv and soundsystem type of thing, and in order to not bother my mom i set it up in the garage to listen to it. My garage was really warm. After a while I decided to just stay there and make the garage my new room. My mom was all too delighted to get me out of the actual house. So anyway, she stopped keeping her car in the garage so she could keep me in there. It was kind of like a shitty apartment. But she didn't give back all the stuff she took away from me.

By summer all my friends were living there with me, and we were pretty much homeless, because I wasn't allowed to stay in my house anymore, just the garage. Ami carried around a really big fake hamburger for some reason. In this dream I had two little brothers, and one day in my back yard I was sitting in the grass and my two little brothers were playing on the porch. The younger of the two poked the other in the eye with a sewing needle, and I screamed and ran to them, as I was running, the older of the two vengefully poked the other in both eyes with another sewing needle. Neither of them realized how serious an incident this was.

One day Laura and I were walking down the road and I heard a low noise behind us. Laura fell to the ground and I started freaking out. Then I noticed Laura had a large frog on her back. It was croaking. I picked it up and threw it on the ground. It hopped away. Laura and I continued walking.

My friends and I decided to take a trip to Traverse City. We got there on a bus. We went to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Grand Traverse for some special thing. When we got back to my garage we decided we should just go somewhere else, because living in my garage wasn't getting us anywhere.

We decided to go to Oklahoma (I have NO idea why) and then I forget where but Holly wanted to go to some other state after that. We put all our stuff on the bus and everyone was on the bus but me. I decided to grab a couple of the cds my mom hid from me in the garage ceiling, but the cases where empty. Then the older little brother of mine came into the garage and said I couldn't leave without my Berenstein Bears cd (I don't really have one, I don't think they exist) and he handed me an empty case. Then he said "I know I'm not supposed to give you this, but I thought it was really important." He handed me the Berenstein Bears cd that was to go in the case. I started crying and hugged him, and promised to come back and see him, the bus started leaving, so I ran to it, crying, and got on, and we left.

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