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My mom, brother Benji, uncle Jim and I were out in this forest on some kind of nature trail on a little car of some sort. We were at the top of a hill, on the edge of a cliff, for no apparent reason. My brother and uncle left with the car thingie. My mom and I began hiking further into the woods, which was my mom's idea, I think it was supposed to be adventurous. So we were walking through this difficult forest, with backpacks and sticks. The sticks were for balance and had sharp ends so we could kill demons or animals possessed by some evil force. We came to a spot with a lot of names carved in a fallen tree, the trees were really big. The names had things like "missing" and "deceased" carved after them, which was the work of some kind of evil force in the forest. I noticed my best friend's name, Holly Schafer, carved into the wood, but it didn't have anything written after it. So I wrote "IS GOD" after it to make it a complete sentence so nothing bad could happen to her. Then we tried to get out of there but all the passages were blocked off and we were trapped, and other groups of people kept running by as if they were being chased by something demonic. So we finally got the hell out of there and went down this really big steep river in a blow-up raft thingy. The End.

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