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Okay, I'm gonna try my best to keep this anonymous. I was visiting the family of this guy I know, I'll call him Stan. I had found out somehow that he was gay (I'm pretty sure he's straight in real life)and that's why he and his mom fought so much, because she didn't like it. I wasn't supposed to know this. We were eating dinner, and his mom was talking to her boyfriend, and Stan asked me if I wanted to go to a party with him, and I said sure. He told me he was gay, and asked me if I still wanted to go. I said sure. We went in his room after dinner to get ready and I didn't have anything to wear, it was supposed to be formal. He had some girl's clothes for some reason, but they were all preppy. After looking through them we found something decent for me to wear that was actually his. We went to the party, I think I was supposed to be his date, cuz the people there didn't know he was gay. When we got home I slept in his bed with him like I do with all my female friends cuz otherwise I'd have to sleep on the floor. His mom didn't have a problem with that. The next day we were cleaning his room and throwing socks and stuff. It was weird. Stan's mom was trying to teach her daughter, his little sister that being gay was wrong. That pissed me off.

p a g e o f d r e a m s