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Palina27: i had a fucked up dream last night about andrea's brother's wife
BigOrangePerson: O.o
Palina27: there were needles coming out of her baby
BigOrangePerson: ick, baby thing
Palina27: and they had a huge, really awesome house and a really big playroom with slides and toys and a zip line and stuff
BigOrangePerson: cool
Palina27: i kept going on the zip line and going down the slide and then i gorged myself on ice cream
BigOrangePerson: you dork!
Palina27: she and i were really good friends in the dream (she's the same age as me) and her baby was fake and had needles coming out of it, which i already told you
BigOrangePerson: hmmm
Palina27: and she was feeding it this disgusting stuff and pretending it was real
BigOrangePerson: that's really weird
Palina27: yeah
Palina27: at the end of the dream she and i were in our underwear running around in circles and she fell down and got hurt
BigOrangePerson: you are a freak
BigOrangePerson: i had a dream i had sex with ryoga
BigOrangePerson: it was nice

back to life, back to reality