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Ma and I lived in a really big, old, empty, haunted, possessed house. The paint was chipping off the walls and there were insects everywhere. In one of the rooms there was a trap door that led to a small passageway. I was surprised to find that I actually fit into the passageway and after crawling a small distance I found a really big bath tub. There was a metal sculpture of a demon head on one side of it. I crawled over the tub and continued on through the crawlspace and after another very short distance I came to a large metal chamber. There was an exit in this room similar to the exit/entrance to the basement of the house I lived in when I was little. It sloped up from the metal chamber to a golden field surrounded by trees. I noticed a rectangular hastack and walked up to it. After poking around a bit I found a stereo system hidden inside. I would later find out there were speakers hooked up to this throughout the house. I went through the passage several times after this and the sculpture on the tub threatened to kill me. It was evil.

Some time passed and somehow a UU con happened at my house. The passageway to the bath tub and the metal chamber was now a staircase and the tub was filled with water and soap. I passed this and found con people in the chamber hanging out and talking. Out in the field I found more people listening to music on the stereo. I started to notice ghosts and dead animals hanging around the house. They were really creepy and annoying at the same time and the con people started to get freaked out and bothered. It slowly got worse until everyone left except me Ma and Holly. The dead people were aggravating as all hell and they came into our house to use our possessed bath tub and eat our food. Ghosts and apparitions flew through the house singing show tunes. Every time I got rid of one, three more came. Squashed road kill leaped through the fields. Spiders were everywhere.

I started trying to make a list of things I needed. The first thing I thought of was some damn bug spray. Then I started planning a ritual to get rid of the rest of our pests, especially the goddamn bath tub which was now explaining in detail how he was going to torture and kill my family and friends. A ghost flew by, singing some falsetto opera and I grumbled and ran after her. In the kitchen I found a fat woman with no hands that was there much too often and I told her she was dead and alerted her to the fact that she had no hands and for these reasons, no, she could not get into my refrigorator and eat my food. Now get out.

Finally Holly and Ma came home from the grocery store. They brought Richard home with them. We went up to the third story to prepare for the ritual. Getting out my athame, I noticed a black dagger made of stone with carvings from the Necronomicon in the blade. I made a mental note not to get this anywhere near the bath tub.

The dream ended with Ma, Holly, Richard and me sitting in a circle eating these cinnamon bread things for libation and I was commenting on how extremely, totally fabulous they were. I woke up.

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