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Holly and I had gone to the same elementary school. I was at her house and we were swimming in her really nice swimming pool, it was all curvy and rich looking and there were flowers and bushes around it. We were swimming in tank tops and panties. The weather was really nice. We decided to go to our old elementary school and rollerblade.

The weather got really dreary and cold and suddenly Holly was dressed warm and I wasn't. We went to the school, which had a road on top of it that ended at...the end of the school. And there was a swimming pool there. It was rectangular. It was frozen and covered with a tarp. There was a statue between the pool and the school, the whole thing kind of resembled the Lincoln Memorial.

Anyway we were in the parking lot. A teacher whom I recognized as my fifth grade teacher Mrs. Spencer came out of the building. She was dressed in black and seemed really depressed. She spoke to Holly, and remembered her, but didn't remember me. This somehow upset me and after she walked away I started crying, and ran to the edge of a swamp near the school. I used a small tree for balance to sit down and broke it in half. That made me really sad, because I killed it. I was sitting on the edge of the swamp, crying, with one foot in the water, and I was afraid a really big goldfish would come and eat my foot off so I took it out of the water. I looked back at the school and the swimming pool had tured into a glass room, inside of which was Mrs. Spencer, kneeling in the corner, crying. I went back to my crying.

After a bit of that she came up behind me and hysterically apologized for not remembering me and told me what a horrible life she has and she was sobbing and swearing, and I told her it was okay.

Then we were magically transported inside the school and there were a lot of teachers inside and a bunch of my highschool peers. A serial killer ran into the science lab and stole a book, ran somewhere else and killed a little girl. I'm not sure who the girl was supposed to represent, possibly me. Anyway I was too late. The serial killer put the little girl in a plastic bag and stuffed her into a crevice in a cliff by the school where he kept all his dead bodies. I started to crawl in to retrieve her body because I wanted her to be respected, but I didn't know which one was hers, being around that many dead bodies was freaking me out, and I didn't really want to be around the serial killer either, so I ran away. The End.

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