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To: (megan's email)
Subject: the very long dream about dead people

okay, so it starts out with people (possibly me, you, louis, holly...or someone representing us) looking at a house that's for sale. the house, apparently, is for sale because the family does not want to live in a place with traumatizing memories, or something. their little girl was brutally murdered in the house. it was obvious to me that the murderer was her older sister, but for some reason no one had thought of that. maybe they didn't want to think it. oddly enough, the older sister was the one that was showing us around the house, along with a fairly silent real estate agent. the house seemed to consist of a great many kitchens with a lot of refrigerators and freezers, which had empty bottles and small amounts of junk food lingering inside. next to one of the freezers i found another freezer that looked a safe...and it had a sign on it, which explain that the freezer was not to be opened OR removed from the house, because it contained imporant forensic evidence (a.k.a, the dead girl). i no longer wanted to be in the house. alas, louis led the parade down to the basement, where the bedrooms were. i opened the door to the little girl's bedroom, which was in a chaotic state, and had large pieces of cardboard and whatnot covering up...something. we saw blood spilled on the concrete floor, but the older sister assured us it was paint. i started seeing things and i was getting freaked out and wanted to leave. somehow, we ended up going outside and entering a one room schoolhouse that was on the property. it was very small, and crowded, and contained a lot of cabinets. i started seeing severed body parts and one of them, a hand, grabbed onto my finger. i was nearly in tears when the largest cabinet opened and the very angry ghost of the little girl was curled up inside. she was terrifying. she screamed at her older sister and i got a very clear vision of the murder as it had happened: the little girl walked into the basement calling out her sister's name, and saying "i love you..." and her sister came out of her room with an ax. she took several whacks at her little sister, spilling blood and causing a lot of pain. the little girl somehow made it to her room, the big sister followed and brutally, brutally finished her off.


so, my mom and i were in a car, going...somewhere. she got a call on her magical wireless buttonless ceiling phone, which alerted us to an oncoming traffic jam. we turned around, and the guy on the phone (apparently my mom's boss) directed us to a large house, one of a rich man's many homes. we were allowed to stay there for the night. i was only wearing some white, somewhat transparent panties, and in the dream's reality, that was normal for me. i ran around the top floor of the house like a hyperactive monkey, exploring it. i liked this one.

after we got official permission to stay there, and my mom's boss left, (i was avoiding him because i was scantily clad and my mom didn't want him to see my indecency,) i ran around the rest of the house, exploring that as well. through the rest of the dream the number of people in the house grew, until there were many.

i wandered into the "royal library" with louis (bloop. louis is here.) and instantly started getting visions. this house had belonged to a king and queen, who were now dead. there was some scandal surrounding their deaths and for some reason i was the only one that could set it straight. (grandiose? no. never.) suddenly the owner of the house, an old guy, was sitting in the corner of the library. (badoop. where he come from?) he told me i had a special quality that would grant me access to the queen's belongings, which had been kept secret for a long time. then he disappeared. (plunk. where he go?) i wandered over to one side of the library and the queen's spirit started speaking to me, guiding me. she led me to her gowns, chose one for me, and i wore it. she led me to her jewelry box and told me what to put on. she led me to her pretty pretty crown. when i had everything on i got a vision of her murder. she was thrown into a room by two men, one of them wearing black. she was wearing almost exactly what i had on. she was beaten, and her right arm was ripped off at the shoulder. she tried to defend herself with her other arm, that was ripped off too. she was thrown into a casket and her heart was ripped out of her chest.

the queen's spirit sent me out of the library. there were many people in the house now. no one understood why i was dressed like her. she told me i'd know what to do when i needed to do it, and i woke up.

phew. that was long.
love you
cato (my web page) (not my web page)
