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i think i remember it starting with a fat man and a retarted man denying their love for each other. They were stuck in a house because the fat man couldn't get through the door and the retarted man refused to let go of the fat man. The house was owned by a dysfunctional family: a totally loopy mother that was obsessed with being overly nice to people, an abusive, disgusting father, and way too many rude, obnoxious, greasy kids. The fat man and the retarted man were constantly pretending to be attracted to numerous females in order to mask the fact that they were gay and incredibly fond of one another. They tried to have dinner with the dysfunctional family and it was an extremely dysfunctional dinner. This is where things get fuzzy. i remember something about the retarted guy wanting to pee on the floor, but having sex with a supermodel instead.

Somehow the scene changed from the dysfunctional household to some kind of (very bad) teen togetherness program. This was held in a secure building with strict adult supervisors. i don't know if the program was meant to rehabilitate criminals, or as therapy for troubled kids, or bother, or something else. i just remember the girl that i played in the dream (i kind of looked like a young Angelina Jolie - HOT) hated the place a lot. i befriended another girl in the place, a shy, nervous girl that was abused by her mother. i remember being let on a computer in a lab, and the supervisor dude told me it would cost twenty dollars. So i didn't do anything on the computer, i sat at a table with my shy friend and talked quietly. Suddenly a disagreeable looking woman in flowery attire approached us and sat down. She was very mean to my friend, yelling and red in the face. i was even meaner back, i got in her face and screamed at her until she got extremely offended and left, crying. My friend and i were eventually led screaming and kicking into seperate rooms with huge windows in the doors. The room that i was taken to contained the disagreeable lady i had yelled at, and she threatened me with things like "Mental Hospital" and "Shock Treatment." i screamed something angry and incoherent and smashed throught the window in the door, climbed throught with the evil woman grabbing me, fighting me, trying to pull me back into the room, cutting me on the glass. i somehow made it into the other room with my friend, and the woman came in there too. Unfortunately for her, there was a window in the room leading to the outside. The girl and i broke through it together and fought our way out, with guards trying to pull us back, we picked up peices of broken glass and embedded it into their skin until we finally got out, bruised and bloody. We walked up a hill and into the forest. There were cops everywhere looking for us, but none of them noticed us despite the fact that we were covered in blood. Finally one of them recognized us and we ran, quickly of course since i always have stamina in my dreams, we lost them after changing direction at a pond and climbing up a very steep hill. At the top of the hill was a large circle, and almost volcanic outling with flat ground in the middle. We walked around the circle a couple times, and suddenly the name of a serial killer hit me. i rattled off his name and what he did, and said "this is probably a graveyard, we can sleep here tonight, they won't find us." We tried to sleep, but the girl was very nervous, not to mention covered in blood and disturbed, so i took her into an empty house and we had a bath. While washing our hair i noticed large slices in our scalps, as if they had actually been physically trying to get into our heads back at the place. in the morning we turned into Mario and Luigi, stole a tiny black helicopter, and robbed a gas station, making them give us all their gummy bears and destroying their giant translucent lego chess set. The end.

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