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I Become a Zombie and Watch Dinosaurs Make Pudding

Delcat42: I am the marmot of the sea.
Palina27: my arms and oranges bite me!
Palina27: i had nightmares
Delcat42: Poor Caitlin...
Delcat42: What were they like?
Palina27: really weird
Palina27: i was in a castle trying to get away from a psychotic librarian, and i got stuck in a window like winnie the pooh and some how ripped a bunch of gaping holes in my face and then shot myself in the head with a flourescent green and yellow gun with swirly designs.
Palina27: and then i came back to life and i was sitting on the hood of a car with a couple of college students telling them how i died
Delcat42: Were they impressed? They should have been.
Palina27: i can't remember them that well.
Palina27: when i woke up from the dream, i told louis about it and then fell asleep and had it again, only this time i knew i was dreaming, and louis was there with me and i was showing him around the castle
Delcat42: Where was the librarian?
Palina27: she was still there, looking for me.
Palina27: when she came near us i took louis's hand and we disappeared.
Delcat42: Hooray!
Palina27: and since i was dead *and* dreaming, i could disappear and fly around the castle and throw people's stuff around.
Delcat42: I wish I could throw people's stuff around.
Palina27: i think there was some part where i was force feeding people chocolate with bits of my flesh in it.
Delcat42: Would it upset you at all if I said that was really cool?
Palina27: not at all
Delcat42: 'Cause it is.
Palina27: yay!
Delcat42: Did they know there were bits of flesh in it?
Palina27: i think a couple of them did, but most of them didn't
Delcat42: Neeeeaaaaat...
Palina27: louis didn't seem very impressed
Palina27: in my dream he made me go to some weird theater in a mall to watch dinosaurs eat each other.
Delcat42: Maybe he would have preferred nougat.
Delcat42: Poor dinosaurs.
Palina27: yeah. come to think of it, most of them weren't eating each other
Delcat42: What were they doing?
Palina27: there was a big group of dinosaurs that were trying to make pudding, but they weren't sure how
Palina27: that sounds so funny now
Delcat42: Was it because they couldn't pick up the box with their useless forearms?
Palina27: no, they just weren't very good at working in a group
Delcat42: That's probably a metaphor for something.
Palina27: they had primitive brains and they didn't want to cooperate with each other
Palina27: so they made this huge vat of really crappy pudding
Delcat42: Well, crappy pudding is better than no pudding at all.
Delcat42: And if they were stupid, they wouldn't know it was crappy.
Palina27: would you rather eat crappy pudding made by dinosaurs, or be force-fed chocolate with bits of flesh in it?
Delcat42: Dinosaur pudding. The chocolate thing is cooler when applied to other people.
Palina27: hmm.
Delcat42: I should probably put my pants back on.
Palina27: would you rather try to work with a bunch of uncooperative dinosaurs to make pudding, or force-feed chocolate with bits of your flesh in it to a bunch of people in a castle?
Delcat42: Ohhhh, I have to *choose*?
Palina27: you wanna do both?
Delcat42: Yes!
Delcat42: And charge admission as a double feature!

woah. go back.