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I was walking down the highway with Megan, Derek and Ian. Derek and Ian are two guys that I don't really know but for some reason have decided to enter my subconsious and harrass me. Anyway we were walking down the highway and there was snow and ice on the ground and we were walking on huge mounds of snow. We came across a fat sweaty policeman who decided to have a long drawn out conversation with Ian While Derek Megan and I stood there and became bored out of our fucking minds.

Suddenly we were in my room. I don't think Megan was there. I was sitting on my bed and Derek was standing absently while Ian rearranged EVERYTHING on my walls (that's not easy folks...there's a lot on there). Derek said it was because Ian was trying to psychoanalyze me by changing my environment. When they left I felt really fucking weird because my room had been arranged by someone other than me and i thought it might have some kind of weird subconcious messages hidden in it....i'm paranoid....
the end

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