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Zombie Rape

For those of you unfamiliar with Iron Maiden's mascot, Eddie, this is him. When i'm freaked out at night, he's the guy that's stalking me.

So anyway, I had this dream last night that my mom bought Louis and me a house. It was a giant, gorgeous, very old four story house out in the country. It was very beautiful, there was a room for Louis and me, one for Jenna, one for Holly, and one at the top of the house with a huge canopy bed for Megan. There were secret passageways going all through the house, and a dark basement. I instantly started exploring the closets and passageways, and through a passage from the closet in our room there was a bunch of stuff stashed in a box. it was full of cookie cutters and little mementos from the people that lived in the house before us, that died. They were twin sisters and they shared a tattoo, purple stripes on one ear. That of course freaked me out, because Holly and I have that tattoo. I showed it to everyone and no one else seemed to be interested.

So I went to explore the basement by myself. There on the concrete floor I found three plastic heads, they all looked like the same decayed man. I picked one up, and the instant I touched it, it grew a body, not plastic like the head but a real body, dead and decayed. He started talking to me, I can't remember everything he said, but he told me his name was Ed. I tried to kill him, but it was difficult because he was already dead. I set him on fire and chopped him into pieces. When he stopped moving, I tried to gather up the pieces to bury in the yard but I soon found out that any time I touched any part of him, or anything that belonged to him, he came back to life, grew a body and instantly came after me. So I killed him many times, and succeeded in burying him twice in the cemetary at the far side of the yard. But somehow I always resurrected him and became increasingly freaked out as he chased me, all the time taunting me, telling me no matter how many times I killed him, he would come back for me, and there was no escape.

Eventually, I dragged him to a hospital and begged the docters to help me. A few of the women crowded around him for hours, altering his dna, or something. By the time they were finished, he was deaf and blind, and moved very slowly, with his joints creaking.

For a while, a crotchety little dead Ed was standing outside the giant house with a cane, trying to figure out how to unlock the doors. Louis instantly started messing with him, banging on the door and hitting him with it. Ed climbed a ladder and climbed up the house, and by now I was terrified because I'd spent so long trying to get away from him and failing. As soon as Ed found me he disintegrated and grew a new body, back to his old form. He snatched me out of the house and dragged me kicking and screaming to the far side of the yard where I had buried him. He pulled me underground, and in doing so ripped my body in half. My top half lay lifeless on the grave, and underground he fucked his rotten little brains out with my bottom half, until i woke up.

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