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Palina27: good mroning!
ayahuascadreams: but it is mroning no longer!
Palina27: i had a very strange dream and i had a motorcycle in it.
Palina27: it's mroning for me!
Palina27: and i'm about to watch george of the jungle.
ayahuascadreams: fine, fine. what did you and the motorcycle do?
ayahuascadreams: yay!
Palina27: we drove from roscommon to my dad's house in very bad weather
ayahuascadreams: you and louis?
Palina27: no, me and the motorcycle, silly.
Palina27: and then my dad made fun of me for being a girl.
ayahuascadreams: ah.
ayahuascadreams: did you beat him with the motorcycle?
Palina27: for some reson every time i dream about my dad's house the only way you can tell if he home is the light's on in the basement and you can hear a chainsaw.
Palina27: no, i danced with a little girl that was at his house.
ayahuascadreams: more little girls. weird. why a chainsaw?
Palina27: don't know.
ayahuascadreams: weirder still.
Palina27: watch out for that bang ooh treeeee
