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The Fucked Up Cult in Franklin Woods

I had to stay with my gramma for a couple weeks while my mom moved to Traverse City. Only she wasn't my gramma...I didn't recognise her, she was just some weird old lady. After the two weeks I got on a bus to go to Traverse City. The bus was reeeaally little. I had no idea where in Traverse City I was going, my mom had called them and told them where to go. When I got to my destination, I realized I was in Franklin Woods, a rich subdivision I used to live in. The house was down the road from my old house. My mom and brother were there, my brother was dressed funny and he was trying to get a ping-pong table assembled. It was kinda fucked up and unstable. We both wanted a good ping-pong table like we had in our old house in Franklin Woods.

My mom turned into my dad. He was the leader of a fucked up cult and he was quite insistent on me being in it. I had to wear these really elaborate robes and dresses. I didn't want to be in the cult. So I ran out the door, behind the house and into the forest.

I saw a guy in the forest. UH OH... He recognized the gown I was wearing, and knew I was part of the cult. He apparently knew a lot about the cult, and knew what kinds of weapons (yeah THAT'S RIGHT, WEAPONS! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!) were used and where on the body they were kept. But what he didn't know was that I was a big WEIRDO and always kept a hunting knife strapped to my calf. I didn't want him to turn me in or I SLIT HIS THROAT!!! When he was dead I ran further into the woods and climbed to the top of a really big tree and started carving it with my knife, to dull the blade. (I couldn't slit someone's throat with a dull blade, therefore I wouldn't be blamed.)

And then the scene changed.

Back in the house, instead of my dad and my brother, there was some unknown guy and his unknown son. Same cult though! The guy's son, like me, didn't want to be in the cult. He went down the road to meet the neighbors! I don't know why...
Anyway a couple houses down was this mansion with another cult family in it. SAME damn cult. Anyway the daughter of the family was brainwashed. However, this didn't keep her from falling in love with the guy. They ran away together...she was streaking down the highway...yeah you got it...running along the side of the highway garment-less and naked. The guy was clothed. that it? I don't fucking remember.
