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Ok. I'm a little rusty, I may not remember this well.

Okay, my current situation in real life is that I live with Ondria and her family because I had no place to live. Well in this dream it was the other way around.

Actually, Ondria was mixed with a friend I once had, Jenna. Jenna was a stubborn girl that didn't know what was good for her and never listened to a word I said, even though I was constantly trying to help her. So that is her role in the dream. Ondria is a good friend who has done a lot for me. In the dream, she needs help and I help her, because she's been so kind to me. So, that is her role in the dream. Somehow these two people were twisted into one entity. Sometimes it is one and sometimes it is the other. It's very confusing.

In the beginning, Ondria somehow became homeless. There was a tree near the high school that was special to us, because our friend Jolene lived in it for a long time when she was homeless. So Ondria went to live in it, and I went with her because I was worried about her. The tree was really really thin and I was surprised it held us. There was a myth, a sort of folk tale about ghosts and naked children in that part of the woods, and stories of people seeing them through the windows at school. The actual story was that our friend Jolene lived in the tree. People caught glimpses of her and made up stories about it.

I'm not sure what happened here. Like I said, I'm a little rusty. I remember something about being in a group of people and going out for fast food. Also walking down a river under bridges and trying not to hit my head. And, walking along the side of the road with Jolene.

I'm not sure how this got to be, but I lived with my mother in Franklin Woods. I went out to the back yard through a sliding door that doesn't really exist in that house in real life. Jenna was outside. She had been thrown out of her house by her parents and was now homeless. She was filthy and her clothes were tattered. I invited her into the house for a bath, whereupon she became Ondria. Ondria greatfully took a luxurious bubble bath and I sat in the bathroom and talked with her. I was unable to take her in to live with me, for my mother, who owned the house, would not allow it. So back out into the woods she went.

After a number of days, Ondria came back. She had a big gash in her arm, and I was worried about her. Again she came in for a bath. There were people looking at the house, cuz my mom was trying to sell it, so I played some really loud offensive music to make them go away. They did.

After her bath, Ondria turned into Jenna again. she was carrying a cardboard box with some folders in it. The folders were important to her future but she didn't give a shit and she threw them on the ground and started to walk away. I followed her, calling out to my mom that I'd be back later. Jenna took me to the cave she lived in with her homeless friends. For some reason I had been there before, even slept inside it. It was underground, made out of brick, and painted. It was like a labyrinth, but I knew my way around it. This may be symbolic that I had been through the experience of being homeless before. Okay, let me try to explain this cave. It was very, very ancient. I referred to it as "the catacombs"...but it was more like a giant cremation oven. there were slabs along the walls where the bodies to be cremated had been laid, a long long long long long long long long time ago, and that's where the homeless people slept. I claimed one as mine, because it was the one I slept on when I was homeless. No one else slept on it because it was high up and they were afraid they'd fall off. Kinda like a bunk bed. Night came and I had to go back home. I got a ride from someone, I'm not sure who.

I came back to the catacombs many times to see Jenna and try to keep her out of trouble, and because I was gone so much my mom decided I didn't live with her anymore and remodeled my bedroom. So now I was homeless again. I went out and bought a knife and a gun and went back to live in the catacombs again. I somehow convinced Jenna to come live with me and my mom, and so my parents (they lived together in this?! jesus!) came to pick us up. The other people in the catacombs gave us shit about leaving and I had to deal with it because Jenna wasn't smart enough to know how. When we got back to the house in Franklin Woods, I explored the house. My mom had added a lot of rooms somehow, and there was a hallway that went around in circles and made me dizzy. At the end of the dream Jenna wasn't there anymore. I don't know why. Me and my parents were in the greenhouse (actually the greenhouse in Megan's house, attached to the house in Franklin Woods) and my parents were talking to each other about how disappointed they were in me. I was sitting on the floor, watching them and loading my gun. I woke up.

a dream within a dream