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I was on the phone with Laura. For some reason her house was in Traverse City, not far from my dad's house. She wanted a candy bar. It was nighttime and she wasn't allowed to go to the gas station (a walkable distance) to get a candy bar. So when I got off the phone with her I got on my bike and started riding to the gas station cuz I'm so nice...
I got lost on the way there, on a dirt road that doesn't really exist. I kept seeing this guy walking his dog (a westie) and he thought I was following him and became aggravated with me. When I finally got to the gas station all it's lights went out. grr...

So I began pedaling in the other direction to go to another, farther away gas station. It was hard to pedal. I saw the house of this guy I used to know, let's call him Spoog. So I decided to stop in and see him...and Megan was there! We were standing around, acting dumb like we always do when Laura walked in, saying "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I explained, and she left, and I left, and Spoog came out and tried to capture me and take me hostage, just for the hell of it. It was silly. But I never made it to the gas station. Damn.

bak to dat payge wit dem dreims awn it