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Too Much Caffeine

Okay, so night Magan and Louis were over to spend the night with Megan and me. (Notice the difference in spelling, mAgan, mEgan, so you can tell the two apart.) We had a whole bunch of cardboard and wood so we had a bonfire. We had been saying for quite a while that we wanted to all get together and take caffeine pills, so we did. We wanted to stay up anyway. So um...I don't remember how many the others took but I took 3. That's a lot.

When the caffeine kicked in Louis and I were doing retarded, dangerous things with the fire and Magan and Megan were telling us not to. We put the end of a cardboard tube from a roll of carpet into the fire and when it was severely lit we picked it up and swung it around and held it upside down so the fire was at the bottom and flames shot out from the top. It was really cool. Louis jumped over the fire a couple times, which was really high and firey and it was retarded of him. But he didn't catch, which is good. In between running around and thoroughly freaking out, we roasted marshmallows over the fire, ate chocolate bars and drank strawberry pop and it was really good. We had a broken cardboard globe and we all hate the world, so we kicked it and stomped on it more times than necessary, screaming "Die, motherfuckers!" and then we threw it into the fire and laughed maniacally. We pretended to fight with burning sticks, which probably wasn't a good idea, and Louis ballet danced around the yard with his. He would look really cool in a vinyl tutu and fishnets. When we were done spazzing out we formed a cuddle puddle next to the gigantic fire and ate Chicken In A Biscuit with E-Z cheese.

When we finally went back inside we ran into the basement and watched an anime, simply because I wanted to run upstairs and get it. I was all full of energy and jumping up and down and doing other miscellaneous energy having deeds. Apparently I was quite humorous, because Megan kept telling me so. Then all of a sudden I didn't have energy anymore and I sat motionless while we watched the tape. We were barely even watching it though...we talked all the way through.

A while after it was over I was tied to the futon, being molested by Magan and Louis. Slowly my body became all tingly, until I was really really tingly and I started to shake. So I was released and I sat for a while with my happy blanket around me, shaking, rocking back and forth and being very, very tingly. I couldn't even stand up to get a drink of water 3 feet away from me.

When I could walk again I went upstairs with Louis cuz I was hungry. We sat at the dining room table almost completely motionless, staring off into space. Magan and Megan were talking downstairs and Louis kept complaining that they were too energetic and he wished they'd shut up. I drank water and ate a piece of bread and it tasted really bad, but I ate it anyway. I just kept saying "This tastes like shit" as I was eating it. It was actually pretty funny.

When we went back down to the basement Louis sat in a chair and kept telling Magan and Megan to shut up as they talked energetically, and I sat on the futon and played Magan's bass guitar. Somewhere along the line Magan fell asleep...I have no conception of time so I don't know when it was or for how long. By that time Louis was almost back to his normal self and he and Megan and I were talking. Magan woke up with an alternate personality and pole danced.

After a while we all fell asleep on the futon. That's right, all 4 of us. We barely fit. When we woke up it was daytime and Magan and Louis had to leave. For the rest of the day I freaked out and cried about everything I could possibly freak out and cry over. The End.
