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I wrote this right after I woke up, I was still remembering stuff.

In an insane asylum, there was a dude and a chick. I think I was there too. So this chick and I were good friends and we ran up these stairs and onto these platforms where we weren't supposed to go. Almost got caught.

Later some people were escaping so we went back upstairs to look out the window and saw like...a firetruck or something goofy like that.

Later I went downstairs where the normal people were and asked them what all the sirens were about. They said that a whole bunch of people escaped, which amazed me, because I thought only 2 did. So anyway the dude and the chick were upstairs planning an escape. He would escape first, then her. I don't know how he escaped, but he did. He was really rich and had a lot of cars.

He came back to the insane asylum for a "visiting day" which meant that she could actually go out somewhere with him. I went too. He told her to pick a car and she picked one in the middle that was red and had goofy black vacuum hoses on it. We jumped in and he put the top down and drove away. There was a widdle doggie in the car.

Anyway the police found us at this house and the nameless guy who is the main character had us stand at hallway intersections with these shirts he had us put on. They had numbers on them so when the police came they thought we were speed limit signs. But when the last police dude came by I couldn't stand still because there was a dog next to me and I looked at it and then I was afraid the cop dude saw so I said "Blah!" and jumped at him and he ran away. Then the guy and I ran away too because we knew the police were still looking for us.

So we hid in a corner. I tried to cover us up with paper but it had anime drawings on it and I was afraid they would know it was us. But then I was like, hey, wait, they don't know who we are, they're just cops. Huh huh. Then the guy dressed up as a farmer and pretended to clean his room while the police talked to him. Somehow we got out of there (with the chick)and I don't know what happened in this little in-between part, I think we just drove to this big um...shorline. The guy cut some balloony thing off a chain (he cut the chain)and sent his chick floating off with it so she could go to this submarine thing where their friend was. But you see, some monster dude that didn't want us to get away from the cops cut off the other balloony thing and swam after her. Somehow they disposed of him and she got to the submarine.

By now I'm pretty sure this chick was spanish.

Anyway two more monster things had broken into the submarine and it seemed to us that she was cornered. But you see, she was still insane, whether she was in the asylum or not. So she had this cape on and stood an a table and said something like "But you can't catch me if I'm...INVISIBLE!!!" And of course we all knew that she was quite mad and did not have super powers. So we realized that we were gonna have to save her ass again and we really didn't know how we were gonna do it. The End.

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