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louis and i go back to high school
he likes evil blond bitch
they spend time together
another girl's boyfriend is crazy
he dives into ocean, shoots himself
i am stricken with grief about louis
i dive into water, girl with dead boyfriend follows
almost hang myself on window ledge
pirate in giant boat catches us
girl dives into water
she is supposed to follow her boyfriend and die
boyfriend's corpse speaks, tells her to get into suicide contraption
she gets in, decides against it
barely escapes
boyfriend's corpse shouts angrily
pirate steals my spine for money
then turns us in to the police
what a nice guy

wake into another dream

back in high school with evil blond girl
louis is all googly eyed over her
they spent time together after school
they say they were only talking
in class they are still talking
she's sitting right behind him
i am PISSED and paranoid
teacher tells us to get into partners and draw a sandwich
louis is my partner but only i draw
he's at the pencil sharpener talking to a guy about his new infatuation
louis and blond girl keep looking at each other
i threaten her violently
she acts like a bitch
teacher stops class to clear up the situation
girl says they just talked in the library
louis says he only kissed her on the cheek
teacher asks me why i'm so upset
i freak out totally
i want to beat the shit out of that girl
but the dream ends here
i want to kill this waitress