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I think it started out with Angelina and me wandering around the mall, talking about how much everyone sucked. We worked in a store together, so we decided we were going to kill the people we worked with at a certain time, I think seven o'clock.
So we went to work and waited. We sat on the top shelf in the middle of the store and watched everyone come in for work. There were a lot of mirrors in the store and we watched the people through those, too.
Our boss started yelling at Angelina and we jumped down from the shelf to argue with him/her. I don't know if this person was male or female, maybe both. Angie was getting pissed off and she turned around to look at the clock. It was exactly she whipped out a gun and shot our boss in the head. Just as everyone was getting freaked out about that, I pulled out a nice black handgun and started shooting people. The place was filled with random people I know in real life. My aim was fucking perfect...I was getting people in the neck, the head, the ass, between the legs, anywhere i wanted to shoot the bullet made it there. I'm a horrible shot in real life.
Angie and I got covered in blood, so we took our shirts off and got covered in blood even more. After everyone was dead, she started worrying about how we would get away. I kissed her and said I'd handle it. We came out the front door and she jumped up on the roof. This is starting to sound like a cheesy movie. There were a bunch of cops standing out in the parking lot. I don't know how I knew there was a fire hose there, but I picked it up and sprayed the cops with it. Then I jumped up on the roof after her. I think that's when Louis woke me up.

some people can fuck off and go to hell